Dark Lantern


Dark Lantern**

a lantern with a movable panel that can be used to hide the light.

Most lanterns shed light from the time they are lit until they are extinguished, but “Dark” lanterns can show or hide the light from the wick as the operator chooses. 

**A flashlight is the 20th Century answer to a Dark Lantern, and I suppose that the 21st Century answer would be the iPhone...

Let us say a separate mechanical object ideally rather than a piece of technology, but adapt as necessary.

For something more 19th Century:

If you have a lantern:

Consider that if it is a fuel burning lantern and not already a dark lantern that ventilation and safety are a factor.  Please use a battery operated source for this experience if you are building the Dark Lantern.

Cover the entire lantern in light blocking material, tin foil is a great choice.  

Unblock one area of the lantern where you would like to let light shine.

Using another piece of light blocking material fashion a door for your opening, make sure the Door overlaps your existing covering.  Using tape, secure the Door to one side of the opening as a hinge.  On the opposite edge attach a piece of tape along the edge, then fold over itself and adhere to the other side of the door material, creating a handle.  You can secure it in place using a tab of tape with one edge attached to the body of the lantern and the other folded over just the end of itself creating an easy pull tab, with the body of the tape tab closing over the door.

If you do not have a lantern:

1 container of lantern shape with a top (a big yogurt container, a jar, a parmesan cheese container)


LED Votive candle or small portable light

Cover the entire lantern in tin foil, keep the top separate so that it 

Unblock one area of the lantern where you would like to let light shine.

Using another piece of light blocking material fashion a door for your opening, make sure the Door overlaps your existing covering.  Using tape, secure the Door to one side of the opening as a hinge.  On the opposite edge attach a piece of tape along the edge, then fold over itself and adhere to the other side of the door material, creating a handle.  You can secure it in place using a tab of tape with one edge attached to the body of the lantern and the other folded over just the end of itself creating an easy pull tab, with the body of the tape tab closing over the door.

When you are ready

Turn off all the lights in your chosen room, is it dark enough?  Are there ways you can make it darker?  Now open your dark lantern, steer yourself safely into where you will perform and close the door to the lantern.  Allow the darkness to envelop you, remember the light is there waiting to see you safely out when the piece comes to an end.

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