Viewpoints Suzuki

Suzuki & Viewpoints Summer


July 21-Aug 1, 2025


Suzuki/Viewpoints Summer intensive 2025

Venue: Fir Acres Theatre at Lewis & Clark College

(615 S Palatine Hill Rd, Portland, OR 97219)


Week 1: Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm

Week 2: Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm

On campus room & board options available! See below for more details about housing.

Note: PETE’s summer intensive is designed as a two-week sequence. Participants can choose to come for the first week only, or the full two-week sequence. Only students with prior experience with both Viewpoints & Suzuki should sign up for Week 2 only.

About the intensive:

PETE’s summer intensive offers a thorough grounding in Anne Bogart’s 9 Viewpoints and the Suzuki method of training. These complementary techniques train the body, voice, perception, and creativity of the performing artist, and this intensive will give participants a strong grounding in the fundamentals of these trainings and how they can be applied to use in contemporary performance. Throughout the course of the training we investigate how these trainings can serve individuals and ensembles of performing artists today. We will also practice applying these techniques to the creation of new performance.

Learn more about Suzuki and Viewpoints Training

About the faculty:

PETE intensives are taught by PETE’s founding ensemble members: Jacob Coleman, Rebecca Lingafelter, Cristi Miles and Amber Whitehall. All PETE instructors have trained extensively with Anne Bogart and the SITI Company, as well as Mary Overlie, Wendell Beavers, Barbara Dilley and Tectonic Theatre. PETE instructors have taught at Portland Actor’s Conservatory, Barnard College, Naropa University, Brandeis University, Boston Conservatory, Pacific University, Lewis & Clark College, The University of Portland, Reed College, The Public Theatre, and the New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts.

Learn more about PETE instructors

Please reach out to Jacob Coleman ( with any questions.


Weeks 1 & 2, tuition only: $900

Weeks 1 & 2 with room & board: $2500

Week 1, tuition only: $500

Week 1 with room & board: $1400

Week 2, tuition only: $500 (previous experience of Suzuki & Viewpoints required)

Summer Intensive Room & Board at Lewis & Clark College

Housing and food options for the summer intensive are available on campus at Lewis & Clark College for an additional fee. To sign up for food and housing please select the ‘room and board’ ticket add on during registration.

Please note: Room and board options are only available through July 13 as we need at least a week’s notice to set up the room & board through Lewis & Clark College.

About housing:

Housing is in Hartzfeld Residence Hall on campus. Rooms are single occupancy, with bathrooms that are shared (two single occupancy rooms share one bathroom). Campus accommodations include Wifi and access to laundry facilities. You can learn more about Hartzfeld Residence Hall HERE.

About meals:

Summer Intensive room and board includes a full dining plan at Fields Dining Room on campus. Vegan, vegetarian, and gluten free options are available. After registering with room & board, please email Jacob Coleman at to communicate any dietary restrictions.


More about Suzuki & Viewpoints.

More about the instructors.

Questions? Contact Jacob Coleman at

Note: All participants in our intensives must be inoculated against COVID-19. All instructors have been fully inoculated, and the workshops will be conducted in accordance with all Multnomah County and State of Oregon health guidelines. This intensive will be mask-optional.